MCC Elementary has been busy this year adapting and implementing our new science curriculum, Amplify Science, for students in grades K-5. Each grade level is different with its implementation, and the first year of adaption is always the most difficult as we change from a previous curriculum to a new curriculum. This innovative program is designed to transform the way we teach and learn science, providing a hands-on and engaging experience for students at MCC. We would like to take this opportunity to share with you how Amplify Science differs from traditional science curricula and the benefits it offers.

Amplify Science is a research-based curriculum that aligns with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). It goes beyond the traditional textbook approach by incorporating real-world phenomena, inquiry-based investigations, and collaborative problem-solving. Here are some key features that set Amplify Science apart:

  • Phenomena-Driven Learning: Amplify Science starts with real-world phenomena that spark curiosity and engage students in scientific inquiry. By exploring phenomena such as weather patterns, animal adaptations, or chemical reactions, students develop a deeper understanding of scientific concepts and their relevance to the world around them.

  • Hands-On Investigations: Amplify Science emphasizes hands-on investigations, allowing students to actively explore scientific concepts through experiments, data analysis, and problem-solving activities. This approach fosters critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and a deeper understanding of scientific processes.

  • Collaborative Learning: Amplify Science promotes collaborative learning, encouraging students to work together in teams to solve problems and share their ideas. Through group discussions, debates, and collaborative projects, students develop communication and teamwork skills while learning from their peers.

  • Technology Integration: Amplify Science leverages technology to enhance the learning experience. Students have access to interactive simulations, virtual experiments, and online resources that deepen their understanding of scientific concepts and provide opportunities for independent exploration.

Our goal is that Amplify Science will ignite student’s curiosity, deepen their understanding of scientific concepts, and foster a lifelong love for learning. We also know that implementation takes time, and adjustments will be made to fit the needs of each classroom. Each quarter, our science implementation team meets to review the curriculum's strengths and weaknesses and determine how we can adapt it. No curriculum is perfect, and supplements will be needed occasionally, but through collaboration, we continue to look at what is best for our students at MCC.

Patrick Freeman Elementary Principal